#78 | 1.17.25 - Do The Thing! / 12 Phrases To Use In Conflict / Which Frozen Ingredients You Should Cook With / New Segment Next Week!
Hello, friends, and welcome to Further Faster Fridays!
If this is your first issue, welcome! We ship the best content in personal development and leadership each Friday to help you go further, faster. Glad to have you as part of the community!
Now, on to the content!
Do The Thing!
That thing you’ve been thinking about doing - can I ask - what is it that you’re waiting for?
Life has an uncanny way of making us think we have all the time in the world. We tell ourselves, “I’ll get to it later,” or “When the time is right.” But the truth is, tomorrow may not show. If there’s something you dream of doing, don’t wait. Whether starting a business, going back to school, or traveling the world— I want to encourage you - Do The Thing! As a friend of mine says, “Momentum favors action.”
With that in mind, I’d like to offer five actionable steps to help you Do The Thing!
1️⃣ Clarify Your Dream
Ask yourself: What do I truly want? Be specific.
Write it down, and put it somewhere you’ll see it. Dreams become goals when they’re clear and tangible. Instead of “I want to travel,” say, “I want to visit Paris in the next six months.”
2️⃣ Identify Your First Step
Break your dream into manageable steps. You don’t need to know the entire path, just the first step.
Want to go back to school? Research programs and deadlines.
Dreaming of starting a business? Write a one-page outline of your idea.
Hoping to travel? Set a budget or look up flights.
3️⃣ Take Imperfect Action
Perfectionism keeps you stuck. Accept that your first attempt won’t be flawless—and that’s okay.
Action beats inaction every time. Send the email, make the phone call, or sign up for the class—even if you feel unprepared.
4️⃣ Tell Someone Your Plan
Share your goal with a trusted friend, mentor, or loved one. Accountability can be a powerful motivator.
Better yet, ask them to check in on your progress in a week.
5️⃣ Set a Deadline
Dreams without deadlines remain dreams. Give yourself a timeline for each step.
Use tools like calendars, reminders, or apps to stay on track.
Want to start a side hustle? Dedicate 30 minutes a day to research or creation.
Dreaming of writing a book? Start with 100 words a day.
Hoping to get healthier? Commit to a 15-minute walk today.
One of my core value statements is that little things become big things. Each decision to act instead of waiting builds confidence and gets you closer to your dream.
Here’s the truth - the perfect moment doesn’t exist. But you don’t need perfection—you just need action. One small step today could change the trajectory of your life forever.
Go ahead. Do The Thing!
12 Phrases To Use In Conflict
There are some great ideas in this article, including a couple that I haven’t considered before.
Which Frozen Ingredients You Should Cook With
This video explains which frozen fruits and veggies are worth using (and which aren’t). Interesting!
New Segment Next Week - Q & A!
I received an interesting email this week that gave me an idea:
Hi there! Thanks for the weekly newsletter; I enjoy reading it each week. Got a question for you. I’m 32 years old and just got promoted to my first management job. I’ve been reading this newsletter for a while, so I wanted to ask - what kind of problems does culture NOT fix? Also, do you have any advice on those? Thanks a ton!
- David, Georgia
David, thanks for your email. There are absolutely issues that culture doesn’t fix. I want to give that answer the proper treatment it deserves, so that answer will be our featured content next week!
Now, here’s the idea - if you all have a question you’d like to submit, shoot me an email, reply to this newsletter, or leave a comment below. If I don’t know the answer (which is entirely possible!), we’ll crowdsource it to all our readers. Either way, we’ll get better together! 😀
Words to wrap up:
“The best thing you can do for the team is to improve yourself.”
- Coach John Wooden