#42 | 3.22.24 - 5 Powerful Questions // AI Tools for Marketing / Who Would You Want to Have Dinner With? / Demanding and Supportive
Hello, friends, and welcome to Further Faster Fridays! Happy to have you here!
A big thank you to my wife Leslie, who wrote last week’s issue, and to all of you for taking the time to read it! Last week’s issue was our most-read issue so far.
If this is your first issue, welcome! We ship the best content in personal development and leadership each Friday to help you go further, faster. Glad to have you as part of the community!
Now, on to the content!
5 Powerful Questions
“What’s something you’ve done that you’re really proud of and why?”
Like that question, I like questions that make me think. They have the power to flip a switch that lights up the darkness, revealing pathways we never noticed before. They can open doors, start conversations, and even change the way we see the world.
I’ve been collecting a few good questions lately and thought I would put them all in one post, along with a “When to ask this” section.
Question 1: Why? (Repeat 3-5 times)
When to ask this: (Commonly attributed as “Toyota’s 5 Whys Method)
When you need to uncover root causes. The first ‘whys’ often get to the symptom, while the last ‘whys’ get to the root.
Pro tip: Give a heads-up to the person you’re doing this with. Otherwise, it’ll just be annoying.
Question 2: How would you teach this to a child?
When to ask this:
You want to generate bigger and bolder ideas
Someone is learning something new and needs to simplify further.
This is also a fantastic ChatGPT prompt!
Question 3: What are you like when you’re at your best?
When to ask this:
When someone lacks confidence or direction
Listen for skills and qualities that align/strengthen the situation. Call those out.
Question 4: Why is this a bad idea?
When to ask this:
When you need to consider all the angles.
When you want to flush out the risks.
Question 5: What if this does work?
When to ask this:
When there is fear or trepidation about a new venture, direction, etc.
After risks are considered, this question is great at motivating and inputting vision back into the situation.
AI Tools For Marketing
I thought this was a handy graphic that lists a lot of the legit AI services out there. It's especially handy that it breaks it down into paid vs. free.
Who would you want to have dinner with?
In the spirit of no spoilers, I’m not going to say a lot about this video other than it’s worth your time to watch it :)
Demanding and Supportive
This super-fascinating article provides some background and context on Instacart’s story while asking the question, can we be both demanding and supportive at the same time?
Words to wrap up
“Whatever chapter of your life you’re in, be in it. Even in the worst moments of your life, there is something that is meant for you: a lesson, an experience, a connection. Life is always teaching you something. Pay attention. Trust that this chapter is preparing you for something amazing that’s coming that hasn’t happened yet."
- Mel Robbins, The Happiness Project