#23 | 7.28.23 - Your Five People / AI Safeguards / First Versions / 5 Leadership Lessons You Forgot You Learned in School
Welcome to Further Faster Fridays! Our goal is to curate the best content in personal development and leadership to help you go further, faster.
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Now, on to the content!
Your Five People
I’m sure most of us are familiar with the idea that our personality is a mixture of the five people you spend the most time with.
In a recent tweet, Patrick Bet-David went into a little more detail, which I found intriguing.
“If you don’t like your circle, start by changing your mindset.”
AI companies commit to safeguards
As I wrote about last week, as AI capabilities increase almost daily, it’s becoming harder to determine what content is real, versus AI-generated.
This week, Microsoft, Google and other leading AI companies (including OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT) agreed to eight suggested measures concerning safety and responsibility, including outside testing for bad behavior as well as watermarking AI-generated audio and visual content I’m curious to see how that shakes out.
First Versions
This is an interesting website where you can find the first version of things, because everything had a first version!
5 Leadership Lessons You Forgot You Learned in School
I enjoyed this article and the five lessons. We moved a lot when I was a kid, so one of these lessons I learned from first-hand experience. I’ll let you guess which one :)
Words to wrap up:
“"It seems to me, that if we love, we grieve. That's the deal. That's the pact. Grief and love are forever intertwined. Grief is the terrible reminder of the depths of our love and, like love, grief is non-negotiable." – Nick Cave, musician